Pool chemicals

Pool chemicals in Ipswich

We supply a range of pool chemicals that will help to keep your pool clean and in a good condition. Get in touch with us. We are based in Ipswich.

Take a look at the chemicals we stock (along with their pack sizes)

  • Chlorine granules (stabilised)  - 5 Kg
  • 200 gram chlorine tablets (stabilised) - 5 Kg
  • 20 gram chlorine tablets (stabilised) - 5Kg
  • Shock chlorine granules (Calcium hypochlorite) - 5 Kg
  • Ph minus - 7 Kg
  • Ph plus - 5 Kg
  • 18 tablets Goldifloc (filter aid tablets) - 1 box
  • Bromine tablets - 5 Kg
  • Summerlong Algicide (treats 11,000 gallons, 3-6 months) - 21ts
  • Winterlong Algicide (treats 11,000 gallons, 3-6 months) - 21ts
  • Liquid chlorine -21ts
  • Granular floc -2 Kg

Keep a check on the chlorine levels

If outdoor pools are unkept for a few months, there is a probability of chlorine levels going green. If the level is low, we recommend 1 1/2lbs (0.68kg) of chlorine granules per 10,000 gallons dissolved in warm water and spread over the water surface. If possible, it helps by running the pump and filter for a couple of hours per day.
For more information please contact us at Countryside Pools.
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